United States Virgin Islands (Usvi)

Last Updated: April 2022

United States Virgin Islands (USVI) Green Check Verified New 2022



  • N/A. The Virgin Islands Medicinal Cannabis Patient Care Act was signed on January 17, 2019; however, regulations for the program have not yet been created and its enactment has been stalled. There currently are no dispensaries in USVI.


  • Puerto Rico – Medical ONLY

Regulatory Agencies

  • Banks: 7
  • Credit Unions: 5

A 2020 bill proposed (not yet enacted) by the Governor to Amend Title 19, Chapter 34 of the Virgin Islands Code to expand the legalization of Medicinal Cannabis includes the following on marijuana banking:

  • Establishing procedures governing Cannabis Businesses with the goals of ensuring the health and safety of Qualifying Patients, Non-Certified Users, and Sacramental Use organizations and preventing diversion and theft from such businesses without imposing an undue burden or compromising the confidentiality of cardholders, including requirements for banking and transportation of cash deposits.
  • Notwithstanding anything provided herein to the contrary, the Board shall further establish:
  • (7) an approved list of credit unions and other banking institutions; and security firms that Cannabis businesses can legally and safely utilize.
  • (8) a recommended list of local third-party vendors that Cannabis businesses can utilize.

Draft medical marijuana program regulations release in March 2022 are included here. Licenses are valid for up to 1 year and the fees are listed below. St. Thomas/St. John can have up to eight level one cultivation licenses for St. Thomas, and St. John can have four licenses. St. Croix has 12 level one cultivation licenses.

  • Registry Identification Card Application: $50
  • Renewal of Registry Identification Card Application: $50
  • Physician Certification: TBDNon-Resident Registry Identification Card
  • Five-Day Card: $50
  • Ten-Day Card: $75
  • Thirty-Day Card: $100Cultivating License Application
  • Level 1: Not to exceed 100 plants: $1,000/$500 for existing farmers
  • Level 2: Not to exceed 500 plants: $2,500/$2,000 for existing farmers
  • Level 3: Not to exceed 1,000 plants: $5,000/$4,500 for existing farmers
  • Dispensary License Application: $5,000
  • Manufacturer License Application $1,000
  • Approval to operate certificate fees and renewal fees (none to exceed the current fees listed above)

Marijuana is not sold in the USVI. Possession of 1 ounce or less is decriminalized (meaning consumers will not face sentencing) however those in possession of an ounce or less may still be fined by the police.

Formal regulations have not been created since the signing of the USVI Medicinal Cannabis Patient Care Act on January 17, 2019; however, the bill preliminarily states that a dispensary may not dispense more than 3 ounces of cannabis to a nonresident cardholder or a registered qualifying patient, directly or via a designated caregiver, in a 14-day period.

Patients and caregivers must present a valid registry identification card issued by the OCR. Patients younger than 18 may obtain a registry identification card so long as the minor has received approval from a qualifying practitioner and a custodial parent/legal guardian consents to serve as the minor’s designated caregiver.

In March 2022, the Cannabis Advisory Board and Office of Cannabis Regulations released draft regulations – news release and video. Follow Vibe High for the latest on the marijuana industry in the United States Virgin Islands.

Follow Vibe High for the latest on the marijuana industry in the United States Virgin Islands.

Contact the Office of Cannabis Regulation at:
Website at