
Last Updated: April 2022

Pennsylvania Green Check Verified


Dispensaries (7/26/2021)

  • Dispensing Locations: 162
  • Medical Marijuana Treatment Center Licenses:
    • 50 licenses.
      • No more than 25 licenses to growers/processors, and no more than 5 growers/processors may also be issued a dispensary permit.
      • Each dispensary may have no more than 3 separate locations. The maximum number of dispensaries for the state is capped at 150.


  • New Jersey: Medical and Adult Use
  • New York: Medical and Adult Use
  • Delaware: Medical ONLY
  • Maryland: Medical ONLY
  • Ohio: Medical ONLY

Regulatory Agencies

  • Pennsylvania Department of Health: Medical Marijuana Program

Sales Data

Financial Institutions

  • Banks: 136
  • Credit Unions: 348

Banking Guidance

Financial institutions must act in accordance with this Guidance [FIN-2014-G001: BSA Expectations Regarding Marijuana-Related Businesses] and existing FinCEN suspicious activity reporting (SAR) requirements and thresholds on activity involving marijuana related-businesses. For well capitalized, well managed institutions that currently have strong BSA programs, the act of providing banking services to marijuana-related businesses in full compliance with the Guidance will not, in and of itself, prejudice an institution to adverse regulatory treatment from the Department of Banking and Securities, provided the institution establishes and adheres to robust policies and procedures around the handling of funds pertaining to the marijuana-related business activities and the previously mentioned FinCEN guidance.

PA House Bill No. 331

(c)  No Requirement To Provide Services. — Nothing in this chapter shall require a depository institution, an entity performing a financial service for or in association with a financial institution or an insurer to provide financial or insurance services to a legitimate cannabis-related business or the business associates of a legitimate cannabis-related business or to any other business.

§5504.  Protections For Financial Institutions, Insurers, Legitimate Cannabis-Related Businesses And Business Associates.

(a)  Actions of government agencies. — No agency or political subdivision of this commonwealth may:

(1)  Prohibit, penalize or otherwise discourage a financial institution or insurer from providing financial or insurance services to a legitimate cannabis-related business or the business associates of a legitimate cannabis-related business;

(2)  Recommend, incentivize or encourage a financial institution or insurer not to offer financial or insurance services to an account holder, or downgrade or cancel services provided to the account holder, solely because the account holder is a legitimate cannabis-related business or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis-related business;

(3)  Take adverse or corrective supervisory action on a loan made to a legitimate cannabis-related business or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis-related business solely because the loan has been made to a legitimate cannabis-related business or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis-related business;

(4)  Prohibit or penalize a financial institution or insurer performing financial or insurance services in association with another financial institution or insurer from providing financial or insurance services to a legitimate cannabis-related business or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis-related business; or

(5)  Subject the legal interest of a financial institution in the collateral for a loan or another financial service provided to a legitimate cannabis-related business or the business associates of a legitimate cannabis-related business to civil or criminal forfeiture under any laws of this commonwealth or initiate or participate in proceedings for the civil or criminal forfeiture of a legal interest under federal law or under the laws of another state.

(b)  Enforcement Authority. — Nothing in this act shall prevent the department of banking and securities, the insurance department or the attorney general, in a manner consistent with the requirements of section 506 of the act of may 15, 1933 (p.l.565, no.111), known as the department of banking and securities code, from undertaking an enforcement action for compliance with the requirements of section 5503(a) or (b) (relating to services to legitimate cannabis-related businesses) in a manner consistent with subsection (a).

(c)  Criminal Prosecution And Civil Claims. — Subject to subsection (h), no financial institution or insurer, or the directors, officers, employees, agents, owners, shareholders or members of a financial institution or insurer, shall be subject to a criminal prosecution, sanction or claim for damages or any equitable remedy, solely because the institution or insurer is providing financial or insurance services to or for the benefit of a legitimate cannabis-related business or the business associates of a legitimate cannabis-related business.

(d)  Proceeds Of Legitimate Cannabis-Related Business Activities. — The proceeds of any transaction involving the activities of a legitimate cannabis-related business may not be considered proceeds from an unlawful activity, solely because the transaction involves the proceeds from a legitimate cannabis-related business or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis-related business.

(e)  Rights And Privileges. — No legitimate cannabis-related business, or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis- related business, shall be denied any right or privilege by a state agency solely because of the business’s or business associate’s lawful participation in the medical marijuana program established under the act of april 17, 2016 (p.l.84, no.16), known as the medical marijuana act.

(f)  Limited Immunity. — if a legitimate cannabis-related  business fails to provide the notice required under section   5506(a) (relating to required disclosures) to a financial  institution or insurer, the financial institution or insurer  shall not be deemed in violation of this chapter solely because   the financial institution or insurer was not notified and   continued to provide services beyond the date at which such   services should or could have been terminated as a result of the   suspension or revocation of the permit, registration or   certification.

(g)  Exclusion. — This chapter shall not apply to the cultivation, production, manufacture, sale, transportation, display, dispensing, distribution or purchase of cannabis for recreational use within this commonwealth in a manner contrary to the act of april 14, 1972 (p.l.233, no.64), known as the controlled substance, drug, device and cosmetic act, or any actions in violation of the medical marijuana act except as otherwise provided by this chapter.

(h)  Requirements. — The protections provided by this section to a financial institution or insurer and to the directors, officers, employees, agents, owners, shareholders or members of the institution or insurer are subject to the institution’s or insurer’s material compliance with the requirements of section 5503(a) and (b) and reasonable due diligence to determine that a legitimate cannabis-related business or a business associate of a legitimate cannabis-related business is in compliance with the laws of this commonwealth and the laws of  other states in which the cannabis-related business is located, or with any applicable federal laws, which provide authorization for the operation of a legitimate cannabis-related business.

July 12, 2022

Currently, Pennsylvania does not have an adult use cannabis program; however, Senators Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) and Sharif Street (D-Philadelphia) have released the Laughlin-Street Bipartisan Adult Use Marijuana Legalization Bill that would create an adult use program that prioritizes safety, social and economic equity for the state of Pennsylvania. More information can be found here: Street-Laughlin Adult Use Marijuana Legalization Bill

  • Medical marijuana was signed into law on April 17, 2016 under the Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Act.
  • Forms of medical marijuana are limited to: dry leaf*, pill, topical forms including gel/creams/ointments, tinctures, liquid and oils.
    • Dry leaf (marijuana flower) became an acceptable form of medical marijuana for Pennsylvania patients on May 17, 2018. Smoking marijuana is outlawed and current consumption is only allowed through vaporization or nebulization.
  • Patients are allowed a 90-day supply limit and caregivers may have more than 5 patients each. See House Bill 1024 and regulatory provisions. These provisions will remain in place until September 30, 2021.

Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program Homepage

  • Pennsylvania Medical Marijuana Program
  • Official reports from the Pennsylvania Department of Health regarding the current status of the medical marijuana program are issued every 2 years. Read the current report issued on May 15, 2020 here.
  • The City of Philadelphia has banned marijuana drug testing as of January 1, 2022. Exceptions are included below:
    • Police officer or other law enforcement positions;
    • Any position requiring a commercial driver’s license;
    • Any position requiring the supervision or care of children, medical patients, disabled or other vulnerable individuals;
    • Any position in which the employee could significantly impact the health or safety of other employees or members of the public, as determined by the enforcement agency and set forth in regulations pursuant to this Chapter.
    • The prohibition of subsection 9-5502(1) shall not apply to drug testing required pursuant to:
    • Any federal or state statute, regulation, or order that requires drug testing of prospective employees for purposes of safety or security;
    • Any contract between the federal government and an employer or any grant of financial assistance from the federal government to an employer that requires drug testing of prospective employees as a condition of receiving the contract or grant; or
    • Any applicants whose prospective employer is a party to a valid collective bargaining agreement that specifically addresses the pre-employment drug testing of such applicants.

State Cannabis Regulatory Authority



Phone: 888-733-5595

Questions can also be emailed to:


State Banking Regulatory Authority

Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities


Market Square Plaza

17 N. Second Street, Suite 1300

Harrisburg, PA 17101


1.800.PA.BANKS (800.722.2657) toll-free in Pennsylvania.

Out of state: 717.787.1854




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