Last Updated: April 2022

Oklahoma Green Check Verified


  • Medical (2016) – State Question 788 (“Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative”)


  • Per the OMMA’s Archived Reporting Data:
    • 2,295 Dispensaries


  • Colorado – Medical and Adult Use
  • Kansas – No marijuana program.
  • Missouri – Medical ONLY.
  • Arkansas – Medical ONLY.
  • Texas – Medical; low-THC cannabis oil ONLY.
  • New Mexico – Medical and Adult Use.

Regulatory Agencies

Sales Data

  • Banks: 147
  • Credit Unions: 13

Banking Guidance

  • Per Oklahoma House Bill 2612:
    • The Department (Oklahoma State Department of Health) shall exercise its respective powers and perform its respective duties and functions as specified in this act and Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes including, but not limited to, the following:
      • (7) Work with the Oklahoma State Banking Department and the State Treasurer to develop good practices and standards for banking and finance for medical marijuana businesses.

  • Per Title 310, Oklahoma State Department of Health, Chapter 681, Medical Marijuana Regulations, the medical purchase limits are:
    • Per direct dispensary/patient transaction
      • 3 ounces of marijuana
      • 1 ounce of marijuana concentrate
      • 72 ounces of edible medical marijuana products
      • 6 mature plants
      • 6 seedling plants
    • Per direct processor/patient transaction
      • 1 ounce of medical marijuana concentrate
    • Authorized forms of cannabis: “usable medical marijuana
      • dried leaves
      • flowers
      • oils
      • vapors
      • waxes
      • other portions of the marijuana plant and any mixture or preparation thereof, excluding seed, roots, stems, stalks, and fan leaves
  • A single transaction between a processor and patient, or the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if the patient is younger than eighteen (18) years of age, for the processing of medical marijuana concentrate shall be limited to one (1) ounce of medical marijuana concentrate. Under no circumstance shall a minor patient license holder be authorized to smoke or vaporize any medical marijuana or medical marijuana products, unless both recommending physicians agree it is medically necessary.
  • OMMA Compliance Information
    • Monthly Reporting – Commercial licenses are required to being submitting monthly reports to OMMA beginning the month in which they were licensed and every month thereafter, even if the business has not yet opened. Monthly reports are due on the 15th of each month for the month prior. For example, reporting data for August 1-31 should be submitted by September 15th.

State Cannabis Regulatory Authority


Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority

PO Box 262266

Oklahoma City, OK 73126-2266





Questions can also be emailed to:

Other emails:

State Banking Regulatory Authority

Oklahoma Banking Department


Oklahoma Banking Department

2900 North Lincoln Boulevard

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105



405-521-2782         918-295-3649