New Hampshire

Last Updated: April 2022

New Hampshire Green Check Verified




  • Maine – Medical and Adult-use
  • Vermont – Medical and Adult-use
  • Massachusetts – Medical and Adult-use

Regulatory Agencies

  • Banks: 17
  • Credit Unions: 14

  • Medical patients may purchase up to 2 ounces of medicinal marijuana every 10 days.
    • The 2 ounces of medical marijuana limit includes edibles, oils, concentrates and tinctures that cumulatively cannot total more than 2 ounces of marijuana every 10 days.
    • Per New Hampshire Statute: A qualifying patient shall not obtain more than 2 ounces of usable cannabis directly or through the qualifying patient’s designated caregiver during a 10-day period. After providing an opportunity for patients, experts, researchers, and physicians to be heard, the department may issue a rule adjusting the limit specified in subparagraph (a) to an amount that is reasonably necessary for a 10-day supply. 2 ounces every 10 days is still the limit.
  • Caregivers must be 21 or older and;
    • May assist with one or more (not to exceed 5) qualifying patient’s therapeutic use of cannabis, except if the qualifying patient and designated caregiver each live greater than 50 miles from the nearest alternative treatment center, in which case the designated caregiver may assist with the therapeutic use of cannabis for up to 9 qualifying patients.
  • Qualifying patients and designated caregivers shall possess at all times their registry identification cards while in possession of cannabis outside their homes(s).
  • For minors under the age of 18, the minor’s custodial parent or legal guardian who is responsible for the health care decisions of the minor must be approved as the minor’s Designated Caregiver.
  • New Hampshire 2020 Data Report:
    • Qualifying Patients: 10,688
    • Minor Patients: 10
    • Patients with a Designated Caregiver: 570

  • New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services – News
  • State representatives Joshua Adjutant (D), Renny Cush (D) and Andrew Prout (R) have each developed their own ballot proposals for adult use legalization in the 2022 election season. Each proposal received 60% approval from both chambers of the House and 67% of voters would need to vote in favor of it for it to be enacted. A brief summary of the proposals are included here.


NH Department of Health and Human Services

Therapeutic Cannabis Program

29 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH 03301


General News is on the Home Page for the Program:



(603) 271-9333 Toll Free Number (800) 852-3345, ext. 9333 or 9255



Questions can also be emailed to:

State Banking Regulatory Authority

New Hampshire Banking Department


New Hampshire Banking Department

53 Regional Drive, Suite 200

Concord NH 03301


Phone: (603) 271-3561

State Chartered Banks, Credit Unions & Trust Companies:

Enforcement Orders: